good to know

About the Academy

Students at the Academy of Visual Arts, Frankfurt are part of a creative educational experience which ingeniously combines individual support with the importance of learning with others. This experience is based on the nurturing the space that supports the development of critical making, demanding both clear conceptual thinking but also a deep understanding for craftsmanship to turn ideas into beautiful work.

The Academy’s use of rigorous design practice, radical critical theory and contextual projects makes real the increasing importance of design for science, society and the economy. Through our comprehensive teaching of conceptual creative practice the Academy prepares students for rewarding working lives in an ever-changing international job market, as well as cultivating new kinds of entrepreneurs.

Critical to making real the relationship between design and wider contexts is the Academy’s active shaping of exciting and diverse international networks. These span both higher education, politics and industry. These lively connections enable students to be part of real international project work, have access to select internships as well as contacts within a dynamic job market.

International Students

Welcome international applicants! Please find the most important informations for international students below:

First of all: Language of Instruction is English. International Students don’t need to hand in a Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).

Almost 400,000 young people from all over the world are currently studying in Germany, making it one of the most popular destinations for international students. Around 40% of the students enrolled at the Academy of Visual Arts, Frankfurt come from all over the world. The internationally oriented programme, taught in English, deliberately incorporates the diverse experiences of different cultures as part of an individual's creative development.

This may be important if you want to work as a student in Germany: please download finding a job in Germany.pdf

Academy’s Financing

The intellectual orientation of the Academy of Visual Arts, Frankfurt is supported by a broad ‘Friends of’ association, the staff and representatives of industry. Thanks to this support, we are able to keep tuition fees as low as possible while maintaining our high teaching standards. As such, the “Studienfond” assumes 50% of the actual costs of study per student, to the order of 440,- euros. The remaining 440,- euros is paid by the student upon successful application. Tuition fees may be paid monthly at a rate of 440,- euros or in total to the sum of 2,610,- euros.

Funding Options for EU Students

“Schüler-BAföG” grant

According to section 2 BAföG, students are eligible for the so-called “Schüler-BAföG” grant.
The amount of funding provided is oriented on needs, which depend on the following factors:

The “Schüler-BaföG” is a full grant and must not be repaid. Further information is available at:

KfW educational loan

The educational loan provided by the KfW banking group does not depend on the subject of study or parental income. It can usually be applied for to coincide with the start of the fifth semester. It has the following advantages:

If you are interested please directly contact: and

Funding Options for International Students

In addition to the Academy's Financing model (Academy's Financing), there are various options for non-EU students to apply for a scholarship or student loan.

Detailed information to funding options and scholarships for international students can be downloaded here: financing  your studies.pdf.

Housing and Accommodation

Studying in Germany means finding a place to live! As in any major city, there is a wide range of accommodation available for international students in Frankfurt am Main. We recommend that you start your search early. Finding a place to live will be easier if you are aware of the rental guidelines. We have compiled an overview of the options available to students in Frankfurt.
Accommodation options for international students can be downloaded here: where to find a room.pdf.

Any questions left? Our Student Advisory Team is happy to assist you with any individual queries.